I love

I love making crafts and food. On Kaya's Korner I hope to upload pictures and post what I am making and doing.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Incident Going to see Taylor Swift

For my birthday my mom and I went to Taylor Swift's Speak Now concert at the Tacoma Dome.  It was so  awesome!!!!  But let me back up and tell you the whole story.  We had been having car problems before, the car had overheated a couple times in the last few months.  Then, of course we had to be stuck in traffic right before the concert started and... our car overheated.  I was worried, but I really started freaking out when steam started rising from the front of the car.  At this time, we could see the Tacoma Dome we were that close.  Actually this whole incident happened maybe a half mile from the concert's location.  We pulled over as best we could on the freeway, then this guy who was driving the car in front of ours pulled over in front of us.  He told us to turn on the heat full blast.  Apparently it makes the car cool a bit.  The guy said that he had been having the same problem as us earlier that day.  He told us to cost down the hill, because if we kept the car on we would blow out the engine.  We coasted down and parked by a factory.  This was probably around 7:10.  My mom decided to leave a pleading note on the window of the car, telling Triple A not to take our car, that we would be back after Taylor Swift's concert.  I had my textbooks in the car, because I was finishing my homework on the way to Tacoma.  So I gathered them up and put them in a bag to take them to the concert, just in case our car was taken.  The guy gave us a ride to the Tacoma Dome.  Since he is a Roadie he is allowed to go to the back of the place, that's where all Taylor Swift's semis were parked.  He took us on a detour back there just so I could see all the trucks!  There were A LOT of them, and if you were at the concert you would know why!  During the concert there were fireworks and sparkles coming out of the ceiling!  Taylor changed dresses at least 10 times!  At one point, she came out through the crowd on a gondola!!!  It was sooooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After the show I got a Taylor Swift t-shirt and a Speak Now bracelet!!  We walked back to the factory and... our car was there!!  Since it was night we drove back and the car was fine!  We were driving when it was my birthday!